Tag: android oreo

  • Variable Fonts in Android O 🖍

    This post initially appeared here. After attending DroidCon Italy 2018 last week, I was excited by the presentation from Nick Butcher and Florina Muntenescu. They spoke about many different aspects related to Text on Android including Spans, Colours, and AutoSizing TextViews, but the one thing that caught my eye was Variable Fonts. This was the first time I had heard about…

  • Android Oreo – (8.0) – Features I’m excited about

    Android Oreo – (8.0) – Features I’m excited about

    Google has officially announced the next version of the Android operating system and it is called Android Oreo! If you are a mad Android fanatic like me, then you probably already know this by now. Historically, Google has named its versions of Android after different tasty sweets or desserts, each version is named alphabetically – it…