Tag: sqlite
Android Architecture Components – Looking at Room and LiveData – Part 1
This week at Google I/O 2017, there were a lot of new announcements for the Android Platform. One of the announcements was the new architecture guidelines for Android! This is a welcome addition to the Android platform. Previously the Android team refrained from giving advice as to how you should structure your Android applications. For…
Automated Testing of SQLite Database Upgrades – Android
As a follow up to my previous post [How to use onUpgrade() correctly in Android], I decided that I should probably add some tests to avoid database upgrade failures in the future. Manually testing database upgrades in Android can be quite a pain and you are bound to miss something, especially if you have had loads of versions…
Android SQLite Database – How to use onUpgrade() correctly
After reading this blog post (and a few others) on how to use the onUpgrade() method for your Android SQLite Database, I thought I should share my experience about how to correctly upgrade your database. It will also be beneficial to highlight why the final solution listed in that blog post would also fail at some point for some scenarios.…