DevConf – South Africa – March 8th, 2016

I had the opportunity to speak at DevConf this year. It is the first year that the conference has run, and I must say I had a great time overall. It was my first time speaking at a conference too! After all the nerves, I really enjoyed myself.

The day started off with Mark Pearl opening up the conference.

That is a lot of developers!

Danie Roux then kicked us off with a keynote about “Uncanny Construction of Meaning”. Which set us all in a thinking mood for the rest of the day.

I gave my talk at 13:10 on Performance Testing tools in Android, which I managed to record. You can watch that here:

(apologies for the bad audio after 7:00, apparently Key note is not good at recording audio 😥 ).

There was lots of food – popcorn, brownies, burgers, breakfast.

I attended a couple of sessions but I wish I could have seen more. I attended Johann Du Toit – “Understanding the issues while crawling the internet using Kubernetes”, which was interesting because I know nothing about Kubernetes 😅, I know a bit more know.

“Git vs CI” was a good topic that I attended too, Duane McKibbin gave compelling reasons for using trunk based development vs feature branching.

The last session I managed to catch was Janco Wolmarans session about “Safety First! How to drop the compiler crutch for faster refactoring” which has really changed how I am starting to look at  refactoring. Definitely going to start doing smaller bits of refactoring from now on.

Thanks to Mark, Terence, Robert and all the speakers for an awesome conference! I look forward to DevConf 2017!


3 responses to “DevConf – South Africa – March 8th, 2016”

  1. Ah, sorry, should have taken more!

  2. How did you record yourself (the video)?

    I had a digital audio recorder, but I was so nervous I forgot to start it until halfway through 🙂

  3. I had a tripod, a camera and a helpful assistant 🙂 unfortunately recorded the audio through keynote but it stopped at 7 min??? 🙁 had to switch to using the cameras audio which isn’t great. But for a first attempt I think it was okay 🙂